
Contact Us

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Contact Information

Investor Services:
Customer Service Toll Free: (800) 774-5127
Fax: (833) 751-5143
Hours: 7 AM - 5 PM Central

Sales Desk:
Phone: (800) 334-3444

Account Maintenance FAQs

Mail Contributions or Plan Forms to:
Iowa Advisor 529 Plan
C/O Voya Investment Management
P.O. Box 534469
Pittsburgh, PA 15253-4469

Overnight/Street Mail:
Iowa Advisor 529 Plan
Attention: 534469
500 Ross Street 154-0520
Pittsburgh, PA 15262

To Purchase by Wire or ACH:
BNY Mellon Bank
ABA: 011001234
Account #: 739502
Account Name: Iowa Advisor 529 Plan
FFC: Investor Fund and Account Number
